Facilities at Cherryli Nursery

At Cherryli, your child will learn about the world through a wide range of play and activities, from books to bikes, reading to running, patterns to potato printing!

Personal and social skills, communication, literacy, mathematics, physical skills and creative abilities will all be developed. We will communicate with you regularly to discuss your child’s progress.

What will my child learn?

Topics and themed activities are carefully chosen, considered, delivered and reviewed on a weekly basis. They can be extended, altered and adjusted to take into account individual learning requirements. Topics recently included; food, festivals, clothing.

Children work at their own level with support, advice and sensitive direction. This encourages self esteem as they are able to work at their own pace and progress through a project using their own ideas and interpretations.

Ofsted foundation stage requirements

Each session contains elements of the six compulsory areas of learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional

Children are encouraged to complete their individually named work and take pride in the collective display. At Cherryli we nurture respect and tolerance, valuing the rich diversity of cultures, beliefs and traditions represented by our multi-cultural society.

Communication, Language and Literacy

The skills of clear and effective communication are fostered and built upon. Work includes encouraging early writing attempts. The nursery provides a wide range of reading materials.


Work in this area includes regular input on shapes, pattern, scale and size, number recognition, addition and subtraction connected to a range of activities.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Children explore objects and describe, draw and paint them. They can build, design and make things, then talk about what they are doing, and so learn through creativity.


The acquisition and development of gross (jumping, bicycle riding, climbing) and fine (pencil control, threading, stacking) motor skills are all a part of daily play and activities at Cherryli.


Activities which enable children to express their imagination through both concrete means (painting, drawing, constructing) and abstract (drama, role play, sound stories) are a core part of our week.

What does Ofsted say about Cherryli?

Here are some excerpts from our most recent Ofsted report …

  • The nursery environment is well presented and conducive to the provision of good quality childcare.
  • The range of resources afford children much variety and a good balance of activities that meet their all round play and learning needs.
  • Staff create a busy and happy play and learning atmosphere that enables children to develop confidence in playing and talking together is small and large group situations.
  • Children have good opportunities to play spontaneously and to develop their imagination and creative skills, through use of a wide range of play materials and scheduled free-play.
  • Staff consistently praise and reinforce desired behaviour and help children to feel valued and appreciated.

“Good information is available to parents about the nursery and its policies and procedures. Records are kept of the children’s progress and individual targets are discussed and agreed.”

“Children are happy, sociable and enjoy the company of their peers.”

“Children are lively and confident talkers and enjoy attention through conversation about what they are doing.”

“Children show an interest in numbers and use some number names spontaneously. They recognise figures and are able to show and count out numbers in sequence through songs and rhymes.”